low water pressure

Low Water Pressure? Here Are Some Causes and Solutions

When you turn the faucet on, how fast does your water flow? Is it steady, or do you have to wait minutes just to fill up a pot of water? Does the water trickle out from your showerhead? This can be very frustrating. If you have low water pressure in your home, it can range from being a minor inconvenience to a major interruption of your life, affecting your whole day, from your morning shower to your after-dinner cleanup. What causes low water pressure? In this blog piece we will explain its root causes and give you practical solutions to restore the functionality of your home’s plumbing system and improve your daily life. 

Causes of Low Water Pressure

What are the causes of low water pressure? Here are the most common:

Clogged Pipes – Over time, the minerals in your water supply will often deposit in your pipes, leading to reduced water flow. This is especially true if your home has galvanized iron pipes. Other types of clogging can also occur. The solution for this problem would be to identify the clogged pipe section or sections and either clear or replace them. This would be a job for a professional plumber. 

Corroded Pipes – Unfortunately, pipes do not last forever and can corrode over time, restricting water flow and leading to low water pressure. Corroded piping must be replaced eventually, which is a larger job. Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating would be happy to assess the extent of the problem and discuss options for pipe replacement with you. 

LeaksWater leaks can cause many problems in your home, from water damage and mold growth to higher water bills, so regularly inspect your pipes for leaks, especially if you’re seeing higher water bills and are not using more water. Repairing a leak may require patching a pipe or replacing it entirely with a new one. 

Fixture Problems – the same sediment that can build up in your pipes and cause a loss of water pressure can also accumulate in your faucet or showerhead. If you’ve noticed low water pressure in just one sink or bathtub, it’s more likely to be the fixture than a general piping problem. The solution to this issue would be to clean the aerators within the fixtures or replace the fixtures themselves. 

High Water Demand – Here’s an issue that is not a fault of your plumbing system. If you have high demand in your home or your neighborhood due to times of peak water use, you should schedule activities that involve higher water demand, like doing laundry or watering the lawn, for times when fewer people are using water. Of course, if this issue is very common in your neighborhood and happens regularly, it may be a larger problem that your municipality or water supplier will have to fix. 

Pressure Regulator Failure – If your home has a pressure regulator, low water pressure could be a failure of the regulator. Test the pressure with a gauge and adjust the regulator accordingly. If the regulator is faulty, replacing it may solve your problem.

Water Meter Valve Problem – Finally, sometimes low water pressure can be a simple matter of a partially closed water meter valve. The solution may be as simple as adjusting the main shutoff valve to ensure it’s fully open.

Improving the Water Pressure in Your Home

If none of the above are the cause of your lower water pressure, you could still improve it by installing water pressure booster pumps. Talk to us at Weinkauf about this option if you are not satisfied with the water pressure in any part of your home. We can make it better!

Low water pressure can result from a number of issues. Some of them can be fixed easily by cleaning a clogged aerator or checking your water meter valve. Others, like corroded piping, are more complex and expensive to address. If you’re not sure what the cause is, a licensed, experienced plumber can examine your pipes and ensure that any problems are solved so that your plumbing system will again operate smoothly and efficiently. If you’d like to see a fast solution to any plumbing problem in your home, call Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating today!