carbon monoxide safety test.

Carbon Monoxide Safety and Your HVAC System in Winter

It’s January in Michigan. We are in the coldest part of the year – which means your furnace is working its hardest to keep you and your family warm and cozy around the clock. A properly functioning heating system puts out a lot of heat, but it does so safely, without producing toxins that could cause harm. In this blog we will talk about the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from improperly maintained HVAC systems so that you will know what you need to do to prevent or detect it in your home. 

Carbon Monoxide Gas, the Invisible Killer

What is carbon monoxide? CO is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced as a byproduct when fuels like gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal are burned. In large enough amounts, carbon monoxide can be deadly to inhale. 

How can this happen? Primarily if your furnace does not burn its fuel completely, although furnaces are not the only source of CO. Other household appliances, like boilers, gas stoves, fireplaces, and water heaters, can also produce carbon monoxide gas and become dangerous if your home is inadequately ventilated.

While you can’t see or smell carbon monoxide, there are early warning signs of CO poisoning, including headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and confusion. If a person inhales enough CO gas, he can experience severe health issues, including unconsciousness and death. This is because carbon monoxide interferes with the body’s ability to absorb oxygen – something we all need – leading to serious tissue damage. 

Detecting Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

CO cannot be detected without the use of special equipment. You should install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home, especially near bedrooms. They will alert you if CO levels rise. Like your smoke alarms, you should test these detectors regularly and replace their batteries as needed. A CO detector has a typical lifespan of between 5 and 7 years, so if yours are older than that, get new ones. 

How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Buildup

There are a number of things you can do to prevent the danger of carbon monoxide buildup in your home. These include:  

Regular HVAC Maintenance – The first line of defense against CO poisoning is scheduled HVAC maintenance. These periodic checkups ensure your HVAC system and any other appliances that burn fuel are inspected and serviced annually by a qualified technician. HVAC professionals are trained to identify potential hazards, like a cracked heat exchanger or blocked chimney, that could lead to CO buildup.

Proper Ventilation – CO is not dangerous in very small amounts, which is why proper ventilation is crucial. Never use a gas oven to heat your home if your furnace isn’t working or burn anything in a stove or fireplace that isn’t vented. Do not use portable fuel-burning camping equipment or generators indoors either. Carbon monoxide poisoning is also possible if you run your car or truck inside a closed garage. Any vents, including your dryer vents should always be kept clear of snow and other debris.

Education – Educate your family or anyone living in your home about the dangers of CO poisoning. Teach them the symptoms to look for and the importance of evacuating the house and calling 911 if a CO alarm goes off. Immediate treatment is critical to a good outcome if CO poisoning occurs. The person should be moved to fresh air, and medical attention should be contacted. 

Safety First! 

There are many enjoyable things about the winter season, but it’s also important to stay warm and stay safe. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system, proper use of appliances and carbon monoxide detectors, and awareness about carbon monoxide can make all the difference. 

If you have any concerns or questions about carbon monoxide or how well your furnace and other gas-fueled appliances are working, please call us at (989) 354-5427. We will be happy to schedule someone to take a look at your HVAC system and make recommendations for its maintenance and most efficient use. Contact us today! 


common kitchen plumbing problems

The Most Common Kitchen Plumbing Problems

The kitchen is one of the most used and most necessary rooms in your house, and in this busy hub, the plumbing system does a crucial job. Fully functional plumbing keeps your clean water running and the gray water draining so you can accomplish everything from your morning coffee to late-night dishwashing. Everyday activities in the kitchen can lead to various plumbing problems, however. Let’s talk about some of the most common kitchen plumbing problems. 

Your Most Common Kitchen Plumbing Problems

Here are some of the plumbing problems people complain most about in their kitchens:

  • Drippy Faucets: An annoyance in many kitchens, leaky faucets usually happen because of worn-out washers or O-rings. Sometimes, a simple washer swap can fix it, but this depends on the type of faucet you have.
  • Clogged Sinks: Clogs are a common headache, and they can often be fixed with a plunger or plumber’s snake. However, if the clog persists or gets severe, you may have a deeper plumbing problem.
  • Garbage Disposal Hassles: If you misuse or don’t maintain your garbage disposal, it can easily get clogged or jammed. Regular cleaning and avoiding putting tough or fibrous foods down your garbage disposal can help prevent these issues.
  • Dishwasher Plumbing Problems: Dishwashers occasionally act up, like not getting water or not draining properly. These problems are most often caused by faulty valves or clogged drain lines.
  • Low Water Pressure: Low water pressure is irritating and might be caused by a clogged aerator, a leaky pipe, or problems with the main water supply.

Signs You Need a Professional Plumber

While a handy person may be able to deal with smaller kitchen plumbing problems, some issues do need a professional’s touch. Knowing when to call a plumber can save you time, money, and prevent more damage. Here are some signs that it’s time to seek expert help:

  • Persistent Clogs or Backups: If you’re always reaching for the plunger, it might be time for a plumber. Frequent clogs or water backing up in other places like your bathtub or toilet could mean you have a deeper blockage in your main line. These types of blockages require special equipment and training to diagnose and repair.
  • Major Leaks: Big leaks, especially in hard-to-reach areas like behind walls, can cause serious damage to your home. Plumbers can fix the leak, assess any damage that may already have occurred, and recommend solutions to remediate the damage and prevent it from happening again. .
  • Low Water Pressure Everywhere: A clogged faucet aerator is a simple repair, but low water pressure throughout your house signals a bigger problem. This might be an issue with your main water line, like a leak, blockage, or corrosion of your pipes. A trained plumber can diagnose the cause, repair it, and restore your water pressure to normal.
  • New Appliance Installation: Installing appliances like dishwashers and garbage disposals incorrectly can lead to leaks, poor performance, or damage to these items. A professional plumber knows how to perform proper installation and can make sure that it complies with local building codes. 
  • Signs of Water Damage: Unexplained water stains, peeling paint, or warped flooring can indicate hidden leaks. Any water leak can cause significant damage to your home over time. A professional plumber can find the source of the leak and make repairs to prevent further water damage.

When kitchen plumbing headaches become more than just minor annoyances, it’s time to bring in the experts. At Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating, our team of skilled professionals is ready to tackle any plumbing challenge, from stubborn clogs to elusive leaks. In Alpena, Michigan, we’re just a call away. Reach out to Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating today and let us handle the plumbing, so you can get back to enjoying your kitchen and appliances without a worry. You deserve the best—call us for plumbing peace of mind!


maintenance programs

Residential Valued Customer Plans – Your Gateway to Comfort and Savings!

Why Not Maintaining Your Home Systems Can Cost You More: Introducing Residential Valued Customer Plans (RVCP)

Are you aware that neglecting regular maintenance of your home’s heating, cooling, and plumbing systems could be costing you significantly? At Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating, we understand these challenges and are thrilled to introduce our Residential Valued Customer Plans (RVCP) – maintenance plans and service packages that not only enhance efficiency but also save you from potential financial pitfalls.

The High Cost of Neglect

  1. Furnace Maintenance: A well-maintained furnace can save up to 30% in energy efficiency, reducing your utility bills. However, ignoring this can lead to decreased efficiency and increased energy costs. Consider the RVCP Furnace Plan at just $18/month to avoid these unnecessary expenses.
  2. Water Heater Upkeep: Failing to maintain your water heater can lead to leaks, heating element failure, or complete unit breakdown. With repairs costing an average of $591, the RVCP Water Heater Plan at $5/month is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
  3. Air Conditioning Care: Air conditioning units require regular tune-ups. Neglect can lead to costly repairs ranging from $150 to over $2,500, including $600 to $2,500 for compressor replacement. Our A/C Plan at $10/month is a smart investment to mitigate these hefty repair bills.

Comprehensive Coverage with RVCP

  1. Deluxe Package: Our Deluxe Package for $30/month covers all three systems and offers a 5% discount on additional HVAC or plumbing work. This comprehensive approach not only saves you money on maintenance but also on potential repairs and energy costs.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency and Savings: Proper maintenance can improve system efficiency by 10%, translating to significant utility savings. Avoiding maintenance can lead to problems like clogged AC drain lines, which can cost $75 to $250 to fix.
  3. Increased Home Value: Homes with documented regular maintenance are more attractive to buyers, potentially increasing your property’s value.

Joining a Weinkauf Residential Valued Customer Plan is not just about maintaining your home systems; it’s about protecting your investment from unnecessary and often substantial repair costs. Our team at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating is committed to providing you with the best possible service and peace of mind.

Contact us today to inquire and learn more!

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hvac systems control humidity

How HVAC Systems Control Humidity

When you feel sticky on a hot summer day or your skin feels dry in January – that’s due to humidity, or the amount of moisture in the air. Humidity significantly affects your personal comfort, and it also impacts the efficiency of your HVAC system. In this blog post, we will discuss how HVAC systems control humidity and explore the effects of humidity on both HVAC systems and personal comfort.

Humidity in Michigan

The state of Michigan is surrounded by water, and it also has more than 11,000 inland lakes or 1,300 square miles of inland water. We are a water-rich state, which is a blessing. We also have to deal with fluctuations in humidity, which can be less pleasant. The humidity in Michigan varies throughout the year because we experience four distinct seasons. In spring, summer, and fall, the weather can be quite humid and sticky, while in winter, especially after the furnace kicks on, the air inside and outside is cold and dry. 

How HVAC Systems Control Humidity


During the hot, muggy summer months, your HVAC system works to remove excess moisture from the air by passing warm, moist air over a cooling coil. The moisture condenses on the coil and is drained away. Dehumidification not only makes your home more comfortable, it also helps prevent mold growth and other moisture-related damage.


Conversely, during the drier months, your HVAC system can add water to the air. This humidification process helps prevent issues like dry skin, static electricity, and discomfort caused by excessively dry air.

Too Humid or Not Humid Enough? 

Humidity affects our personal comfort because it influences how we perceive temperature. High humidity can make a room feel warmer, while low humidity can make it feel cooler. Maintaining the right humidity levels can help occupants feel more comfortable and reduce people’s need (or desire) to fiddle with the thermostat.

Humidity levels also affect personal health. High humidity can make it difficult for our bodies to cool down through evaporation. It’s uncomfortable and can cause lethargy or even heat stroke. Low humidity can lead to dry skin, irritated eyes, and respiratory issues. Balancing humidity ensures that your home will be healthier and more comfortable.

Effects of Humidity on HVAC Systems

The humidity level of your home will affect the efficiency of your HVAC system. High humidity can make a space feel warmer than it actually is, leading to overuse of the air conditioning system. On the other hand, low humidity can make a room feel colder, and you will feel like turning up the thermostat. Maintaining the right humidity level can help HVAC systems operate more efficiently and save you money on energy costs.

If your home is too humid for too long, your HVAC equipment can suffer moisture-related damage. High humidity can also promote the growth of mold and mildew, which can affect system components and air quality. Proper humidity control will extend the lifespan of your HVAC system and reduce the need for frequent repairs or replacement.

Humidity control is an essential aspect of HVAC systems. Properly balanced humidity levels contribute to a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment while allowing HVAC systems to operate optimally. If your home is too humid in the summer or too dry in the winter, there are changes you can make to your HVAC system to alleviate this. Call us at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating to talk about any problems you’re having with your furnace or air conditioner or upgrades you are thinking of making. We will be happy to discuss your options with you. 

programmable thermostat

The Benefits of Using a Programmable Thermostat

When the seasons begin to change, we appreciate our heating and cooling systems more. As fall turns to winter, it’s important to be able to rely on your heating system to keep your home or business cozy and comfortable. Energy bills are high, though. This is why Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating recommends that our customers install and use a programmable thermostat. In this blog we will go through the benefits to homeowners and business owners, especially in areas like Northern Michigan where it gets cold and stays cold for long periods of time. 

What Is a Programmable Thermostat? 

A programmable thermostat is a thermostat that is equipped with a digital interface that allows users to set their own temperature instructions based on their daily or weekly heating or cooling needs. Users can lower the temperature in the house when they are not at home or during the hours when everyone is asleep. Some thermostats can even detect room occupancy and adjust temperature based on data they have gathered about use. 

Manual thermostats require homeowners to fiddle with dials whenever a change in temperature is needed, while programmables allow users to plan ahead for comfort and energy savings. 

Key Benefits of Using Programmable Thermostats

A programmable thermostat provides greater control over your heating and cooling systems, allowing you to customize temperature settings throughout the day and week. Here are some of their best features:

Energy Savings: Programmable thermostats help reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills. By programming your thermostat to adjust the temperature based on your family’s schedule, you can avoid heating or cooling an empty home or office. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.

Increased Comfort: You can set your programmable thermostat to maintain your ideal indoor temperature, ensuring that your space is comfortable whenever you’re there. The thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature before you wake up or return home, so you won’t have to “put on a sweater” while your furnace works to catch up. 

Convenience: Programmable thermostats offer convenient features like pre-programmed settings and the ability to control your HVAC system remotely through smartphones or computers. You can make adjustments to the temperature even when you’re away, ensuring comfort and energy savings. You can even receive alerts or notifications regarding system performance or maintenance needs.

Consistency: If your home or business requires precise climate control, a programmable thermostat is what you need. 

Reduced Wear and Tear: By minimizing temperature fluctuations, programmable thermostats reduce the strain on your heating and cooling systems. This can extend the lifespan of your HVAC equipment and reduce the frequency of furnace repairs.

Environmental Benefits: Using less energy to heat or cool your space reduces your carbon footprint. Programmable thermostats contribute to environmental sustainability by conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Compatibility: Programmable thermostats are often compatible with a wide range of heating and cooling systems, making them a versatile and practical choice for most homes and businesses.

Using a programmable thermostat offers energy savings, increased comfort, and convenience by allowing you to tailor your heating and cooling settings to your schedule and preferences. Whether you’re looking to reduce your energy bills or enhance your comfort this winter, adding a programmable thermostat to your HVAC system would be a great idea. Many Michigan consumers are switching and realizing these benefits. 

If you would like to upgrade your heating and cooling system or need service or maintenance, Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating is always available to answer your questions. Call us today at (989) 354-5427!

HVAC maintenance

It’s Time for Fall Plumbing and HVAC Maintenance!

The summer light is fading, and cooler temperatures are now in the forecast. For many people this is great news – fall is their favorite season. It’s also the perfect time to give your HVAC and plumbing systems a tune-up. As winter approaches, these systems will be working harder than ever to keep your home comfortable. By taking some time now to perform fall plumbing and HVAC maintenance, you can prevent costly repairs and inconvenient outages when you least need them. 

A Helpful Fall Checklist

Here are some essential plumbing and HVAC maintenance tasks to perform in the autumn:

HVAC Maintenance:

  • Change Your Air Filters – Clogged furnace filters can reduce airflow, worsen indoor air quality, and decrease the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Changing your air filter will help improve the air quality in your home and help your furnace run more efficiently. This is the simplest and yet most effective thing you can do for your HVAC system.
  • Test Your Furnace Turn on your furnace before it gets cold to ensure it’s working correctly before you need it. Listen for any unusual noises, and if you notice any issues, contact us to schedule an appointment for repair.
  • Inspect the Chimney and Flue – If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, have your chimney and flue inspected and cleaned, if necessary. Creosote buildup is a potential fire hazard.
  • Seal Any Leaks and Insulate – Check your doors and windows for drafts and seal any gaps with weatherstripping or caulking. To prevent heat loss, insulate attic spaces, and your basement or crawl space.
  • Clean Heating Vents and Registers – Your heating vents and registers need to be clear to ensure even heating throughout your home. Vacuum them and remove any accumulated dirt, pet hair, and debris. This will also help mitigate any fall allergies. 
  • Check Your Thermostat Settings – Adjust your thermostat settings for fall. To save on energy costs in this tough economy, consider programming a lower temperature setting during the nighttime or when you’re away.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance – Consider scheduling professional HVAC maintenance service. Our HVAC service technician will perform a thorough inspection, clean your system, and make any necessary repairs to keep your furnace running efficiently all winter.

Plumbing Maintenance:

  • Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts – This will prevent water from backing up and causing flooding in your home. 
  • Drain and Insulate Outdoor Faucets – Disconnect and drain any outdoor hoses, and shut off the water supply to outdoor faucets. Insulate these faucets with foam covers to prevent them from freezing and creating potential damage to your pipes.
  • Check for Leaks – Inspect all of your visible plumbing for leaks, including plumbing located under sinks and around toilets. If you have any leaks, immediately address them as they waste water and can cause significant water damage. 
  • Flush Your Water Heater – Drain and flush your water heater to remove any sediment buildup. The sediment that accumulates over time will reduce its efficiency.
  • Insulate Pipes – While you’re addressing heat loss in your attic or basement, remember to insulate any exposed water pipes as well. This will prevent them from freezing and potentially bursting.
  • Test Your Sump Pump – If you have a sump pump, test it to ensure it’s in good working order. Fall is a rainy season in Michigan, which can lead to increased water in basements, so a functional sump pump is essential. Raise the float and make sure it runs correctly, and check the battery and the backup one if you have one.
  • Check the Septic System – If you have a septic system, consider having it inspected and pumped as needed to prevent backups.
  • Schedule Professional MaintenanceContact a licensed plumber for a more comprehensive plumbing checkup. He will be able to identify any hidden issues and provide recommendations. If you already have plumbing problems, call now. A small problem can quickly turn into a big headache and expense if it is not addressed promptly.

Winter Is Coming

September is National Preparedness Month. By performing the above plumbing and HVAC maintenance tasks in the fall, you can help ensure that you and your family will have a warm, cozy, hassle-free winter. You’ll also save on energy costs and prevent costly repairs down the road. For maintenance or service, call us anytime at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating. We will be there fast to solve your problem!


common toilet problems

What Are Some Common Toilet Problems?

Common toilet problems can range from minor annoyances to more serious issues that require professional attention. Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating provides plumber service in Alpena, Michigan. In this blog we talk about the toilet problems we encounter, with our recommendations for how to fix them. 

What’s Wrong with Your Toilet?

All plumbing emergencies are bad, but a toilet problem often seems especially dire. Some repairs are merely annoying, while others must be addressed right away, obviously. We’ll rank these problems from minor to major. 

Condensation: In an environment like a poorly ventilated bathroom, toilets can sometimes develop condensation on the outside of the tank when there is high humidity. Some people may mistake any resulting water on the floor for a leak, but it’s not. While this isn’t a serious issue, it can be annoying. Adding an exhaust fan can help. 

Noisy Toilet: If your toilet makes loud noises after flushing, such as whistling or humming, this can be due to issues with the fill valve – that or the water pressure or other components. 

Running Toilet – If your toilet keeps running and will not shut off, that’s a larger issue. The noise is the least of it; any leak will result in significant water waste and run up your water bill, so it’s best to deal with it right away. A running toilet can be caused by a faulty flapper valve, a malfunctioning fill valve, or an improperly adjusted float. If you’re handy or on a tight budget, this problem is probably one you can fix yourself with some replacement parts. 

Phantom Flushing – This is a related problem. If you hear your toilet refilling on its own even though nobody has flushed it, it’s because there is a slow leak from the tank to the bowl. Like a running toilet, if you replace the leaking part, you’ll have fixed it. 

No Flush: A toilet that will not flush could be broken in a number of ways. It could have a broken handle, a disconnected chain, or a malfunctioning flush valve. 

Weak Flushing – If your toilet flushes half-heartedly, this could be one of two problems: not enough water in the tank or drainage failure. Again, it could be because of an issue with the flush valve or the flapper. Adjusting the water level or replacing these components might solve the problem.

If the toilet flushes but the water doesn’t swirl strongly enough to remove waste effectively, there might be a partial clog or an issue with the toilet’s trap or drainage system. If you’ve determined it’s not a tank problem, it’s probably time to consult a plumber. 

Clogging: This is one of the most common toilet problems. A clog can be caused by excessive toilet paper, foreign objects, or a buildup of waste over time. A minor clog can be dislodged by using a plunger, but more severe clogs often require a plumber’s snake or professional assistance.

Leaking Toilet: A leaking toilet can lead to higher water bills and, worse, significant water damage. Leaks can occur around the base of the toilet or from the tank to the bowl. Replacing seals or components can often fix the issue.

Cracked Toilet Bowl or Tank: Cracks in the toilet bowl or tank can lead to leaks and potential water damage too. If you notice cracks, it’s important to address them promptly. You will need to replace your toilet.

Expert Plumber Service in Alpena, Michigan

If you encounter any of these common toilet problems and you’re not comfortable fixing them yourself, call us at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating. We are the plumber service you can trust in the Alpena area. We will diagnose your toilet issue and repair it right away. Customer service is our number one priority!


tankless water heater

The Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters

Is it time to replace your water heater? Have you considered getting a tankless water heater for your home instead of the traditional tank-style water heater? There are a number of advantages to choosing tankless, or on-demand, water heaters which make them the right choice for many homes. 

Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters

Energy Efficiency – Tankless water heaters are more expensive to purchase, but they are less expensive to run. This is because they only heat water when you need it, instead of heating it and storing it like a traditional water heater does. Since the water is not heated and reheated, less energy is required. This can result in considerable energy savings over time, especially for families that use a moderate amount of hot water. In the long run, you will save money on your utility bills. 

All the Hot Water You Need – If your family takes a lot of showers or does a lot of laundry, and you’re always running out of hot water, a tankless water heater is the solution. It supplies water continuously, on demand. As long as the unit is the right size for household needs, you will not run out of hot water. Ever. 

Longevity – How long a water heater will last varies, depending on the type of water heater, the quality of the unit, and how well you maintain it. However, traditional tank-style water heaters last 8-12 years on average. Tankless units have a longer lifespan, typically around 20 years or more if they are properly maintained. 

Better Water Quality – Because there is no tank to store water in, the hot water generated by tankless water heaters will not contain the rust, scale, or sediment build up. Tankless heaters are not suitable for homes with really hard water, though – unless you install a water softener. 

Space-saving Design – A typical tank-style heater takes up a fair amount of space, can’t be installed anywhere that would be destroyed by a water leak, and is unsightly. Tankless heaters can be mounted on a wall and take up considerably less space. This allows for greater flexibility of use in smaller homes, apartments, condos, or anywhere without a basement or storage area. They’re also much less likely to ever leak and create a big water mess in your home. 

Advanced Features – Many tankless models come with features like wifi connectivity and smartphone apps that allow them to be monitored and controlled remotely. Homeowners can adjust their settings, set schedules, and receive maintenance alerts very conveniently. 

Should You Go Tankless?

While tankless water heaters are a great option for many families, you should consider how much water your family uses and discuss your options with your plumber before you decide.  Tankless heaters do require 40 pounds of pressure to work properly, so they are better suited for homes with city water than for ones with well water. They are available in a variety of different sizes to meet different needs, and they have a lower carbon footprint which is attractive to consumers who are environmentally conscious. 

If you are thinking a tankless water heater would work for you, please contact us at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating. We would be more than happy to find one that would meet your needs and install it for you right away. 


most expensive appliances in your home

The Most Expensive Appliances in Your Home

Inflation is hitting everyone in the wallet these days. Utility bills can be anxiety provoking especially when you don’t know what to expect. The costs fluctuate from month to month and season to season. If you dread opening your electric bill, this blog is for you. Here we will discuss which appliances and systems in your home use the most energy so you can decide how you want to use your most expensive appliances – or whether you want to replace them with more energy efficient models. 

Which Appliances Are Most Expensive to Operate? 

#1 Your HVAC System

Heating and cooling account for nearly half the energy used in most homes. An electric furnace will, of course, use more electricity than a gas one, but a gas furnace that runs inefficiently will still run up your electric bill. Your air conditioner should also be in top condition if you want lower bills during the summer months. At Weinkauf, we recommend changing your air filter regularly because a dirty filter will force your HVAC system to work harder and use more energy.

We also recommend that you have a professional check and maintain your HVAC system at least once a year so that it runs smoothly and efficiently at all times. If your furnace is older than 10 years, you could realize significant energy savings by replacing it with a more energy efficient model

We can also upgrade your thermostat to a smart thermostat that will learn your temperature preferences and allow you to reduce HVAC use when you are sleeping or not at home, saving you money over time. 

#2 Your Water Heater

An electric water heater can account for up to 15 percent of your home’s total electricity use. Whether gas or electric, a traditional water heater uses energy continuously in order to provide you with hot water when you need it for washing or bathing. Insulating your water heater tank and pipes can reduce heat loss. Or you could upgrade to a tankless water heater which will supply limitless amounts of hot water when you need it without the energy waste lost during storage. 

#3 Your Washer and Dryer

Laundry and dishwashing are daily tasks that require time and energy. They also account for up to 12 percent of your energy use. To conserve resources, save running your washing machine or dishwasher until you have a full load, and wash more of your clothing on the cold cycle. 

#4 Your Home’s Lighting 

In Michigan we can’t rely on only solar energy for light or heating, but using natural light whenever possible will help lower your lighting costs. Turn off lights when you are no longer using them, and nag your kids to do the same. It’s also good to replace your traditional incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs which are more energy efficient and last longer. 

#5 Your Stove and Refrigerator

Newer appliances are more energy efficient than older models, particularly ENERGY STAR products, but if you’re not ready or able to replace your stove or refrigerator, keep them cleaned and maintained so they can operate as well and effectively as possible. 

Most of the other personal appliances or devices in your home are not as energy intensive. While it’s always good to turn off televisions or computers when you are not using them, they simply do not take as much energy to run as air conditioners or water heaters. If you see your utility bills rising, you should focus on which of your larger appliances are no longer in top condition and maintenance or upgrade them. By identifying the most expensive appliances in your home, you can reduce your energy consumption and your bills.

There are ways to reduce your utility costs and save money every month. If you have questions about your HVAC system and its efficiency, please contact us at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating. We would be happy to discuss your options with you and make recommendations for repairing or replacing your furnace, your A/C, or your water heater. 


air conditioner repair man repairing the AC unit

Air Conditioner Repair – Do You Repair or Replace?

Spring in Michigan can make a slow start, but once the weather heats up, you will want your air conditioner to be operating at full capacity. The combination of heat and humidity can be tough. This is why having your air conditioner checked out before the temperatures rise is a wise decision. If your AC is not working properly, you may wonder if you should repair your unit or replace it entirely. This is not an easy decision for a homeowner on a budget to make, so in this blog we will talk about the different factors to take into consideration when choosing between air conditioner repair or replacement. 

Air Conditioner Repair vs. Replacement

Before you decide to repair or replace, here are the factors you should consider: 

The Age of the Unit – Older AC units often require frequent repairs. Newer units may only need small repairs over time to keep operating at capacity. However, if your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, you may save money by replacing it rather than continuing to make expensive repairs. 

If the repair will cost more than half of the price of a new unit, it’s probably better to replace it. In fact, HVAC professionals have a simple formula they use to make these determinations: Multiple the age of the unit by the cost of the repair. If the total is greater than $5,000, it’s better to replace it. This is especially true if you’ve had to repeatedly repair it in the last several years. 

Frequency of BreakdownsIf your air conditioner is breaking down frequently, it may be a sign that it’s time to replace it. Your air conditioner might have underlying issues that are not easily repairable. Lifetime cost analysis is important here. Your service technician can help you determine what the best return on your investment would be. 

Energy Efficiency – Newer air conditioners are generally more energy efficient than older units, which will mean lower energy bills for you. Choosing an ENERGY STAR certified air conditioner means you can improve the comfort of your home while saving energy. It will also protect our climate and air quality by helping prevent harmful carbon pollution and reducing other greenhouse gases.

Many older units still use R-22 refrigerant which is damaging to the ozone layer and is being phased out. Because this refrigerant is becoming harder to acquire, these units will be more expensive and harder to fix in the future. 

HVAC technology is rapidly improving, and there are many types of air conditioning improvements you can make to cool your home while saving energy, including smart thermostats that can diagnose and troubleshoot HVAC problems, variable-speed and variable-capacity units, and zoning technology that lets you control temperatures in different sections of your home. We can all feel good about minimizing energy waste.

Comfort – If your current air conditioner is not able to keep your home consistently comfortable even after repairs, it’s time to replace it. In addition to temperature and humidity, you know how your air feels. That’s important. You want to feel comfortable in your home and rely on the air being reliably cooled when summer blasts you with its full force. 

Are You Ready to Replace Your Air Conditioning System? 

Your new AC may qualify for discounts and savings, including tax credits from the federal government and rebates from your local utility company. These can add up to thousands of dollars in savings. If you just got a tax refund, you can use that to update your HVAC system too.

If you are considering updating your air conditioning, Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating is here to help you find the perfect system for your home. Our experienced technicians will take into account your home’s layout, ductwork, windows, and doors and make recommendations for a system that will revolutionize your comfort. If, on the other hand, based on the above factors, you decide repairing is a better option for your home and budget, we can do that too! Call us today for help with any heating or cooling problem you have.