HVAC maintenance

It’s Time for Fall Plumbing and HVAC Maintenance!

The summer light is fading, and cooler temperatures are now in the forecast. For many people this is great news – fall is their favorite season. It’s also the perfect time to give your HVAC and plumbing systems a tune-up. As winter approaches, these systems will be working harder than ever to keep your home comfortable. By taking some time now to perform fall plumbing and HVAC maintenance, you can prevent costly repairs and inconvenient outages when you least need them. 

A Helpful Fall Checklist

Here are some essential plumbing and HVAC maintenance tasks to perform in the autumn:

HVAC Maintenance:

  • Change Your Air Filters – Clogged furnace filters can reduce airflow, worsen indoor air quality, and decrease the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Changing your air filter will help improve the air quality in your home and help your furnace run more efficiently. This is the simplest and yet most effective thing you can do for your HVAC system.
  • Test Your Furnace Turn on your furnace before it gets cold to ensure it’s working correctly before you need it. Listen for any unusual noises, and if you notice any issues, contact us to schedule an appointment for repair.
  • Inspect the Chimney and Flue – If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, have your chimney and flue inspected and cleaned, if necessary. Creosote buildup is a potential fire hazard.
  • Seal Any Leaks and Insulate – Check your doors and windows for drafts and seal any gaps with weatherstripping or caulking. To prevent heat loss, insulate attic spaces, and your basement or crawl space.
  • Clean Heating Vents and Registers – Your heating vents and registers need to be clear to ensure even heating throughout your home. Vacuum them and remove any accumulated dirt, pet hair, and debris. This will also help mitigate any fall allergies. 
  • Check Your Thermostat Settings – Adjust your thermostat settings for fall. To save on energy costs in this tough economy, consider programming a lower temperature setting during the nighttime or when you’re away.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance – Consider scheduling professional HVAC maintenance service. Our HVAC service technician will perform a thorough inspection, clean your system, and make any necessary repairs to keep your furnace running efficiently all winter.

Plumbing Maintenance:

  • Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts – This will prevent water from backing up and causing flooding in your home. 
  • Drain and Insulate Outdoor Faucets – Disconnect and drain any outdoor hoses, and shut off the water supply to outdoor faucets. Insulate these faucets with foam covers to prevent them from freezing and creating potential damage to your pipes.
  • Check for Leaks – Inspect all of your visible plumbing for leaks, including plumbing located under sinks and around toilets. If you have any leaks, immediately address them as they waste water and can cause significant water damage. 
  • Flush Your Water Heater – Drain and flush your water heater to remove any sediment buildup. The sediment that accumulates over time will reduce its efficiency.
  • Insulate Pipes – While you’re addressing heat loss in your attic or basement, remember to insulate any exposed water pipes as well. This will prevent them from freezing and potentially bursting.
  • Test Your Sump Pump – If you have a sump pump, test it to ensure it’s in good working order. Fall is a rainy season in Michigan, which can lead to increased water in basements, so a functional sump pump is essential. Raise the float and make sure it runs correctly, and check the battery and the backup one if you have one.
  • Check the Septic System – If you have a septic system, consider having it inspected and pumped as needed to prevent backups.
  • Schedule Professional MaintenanceContact a licensed plumber for a more comprehensive plumbing checkup. He will be able to identify any hidden issues and provide recommendations. If you already have plumbing problems, call now. A small problem can quickly turn into a big headache and expense if it is not addressed promptly.

Winter Is Coming

September is National Preparedness Month. By performing the above plumbing and HVAC maintenance tasks in the fall, you can help ensure that you and your family will have a warm, cozy, hassle-free winter. You’ll also save on energy costs and prevent costly repairs down the road. For maintenance or service, call us anytime at Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating. We will be there fast to solve your problem!


About Luke Gerhart
Luke is the President of Weinkauf Plumbing & Heating, Inc., has been a Alpena County resident for over 22 years. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Construction Management from Ferris University, and has over 35 years of construction experience in Michigan.